Wednesday, October 18, 2006

CAP Movie Reviews

CAP, what is CAP ? See on and, we have the ChildCare Action Project (CAP) Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAAC) Movie Reviews. Reading throught the reviews are, one might say, hill-airrrr-e-us. South Park and Sin City are great. They also have final scores infleuence density, with the lower the final score the worse and the higher the influence density the worse. South Park got a density score of 10.65 and Sin City got a score of 0.0. Now I am sorry I missed Sin City. Here is a breakdown of the scores in histogram form. The top is the final score and the bottom is the infleuence density. Hmmm, interesting.


Anonymous said...

Sin City is an __excellent__ movie because of 1) the imaginative story lines and 2) the way it at times resembles a comic or graphic novel. It quickly became one of my favorites!

kt said...

Sin City was awesome. Let's add it to the Netflix queue.

I was fascinated (in a sort of horrified way) by the ratings and review of The Passion of the Christ.