Does America Run on Dunkin ?
Not all of America. I think it would have been easy to explain that the Americas, North and South, do not Run on Dunkin Donuts. Now, does the United States of America run on Dunkin Donuts. That is another question. Well, the answer again is no. As I heard on a plane,
"The only thing wrong with California is that there are no Dunkin Donuts."
Besides the insaneness of that statement, it is technically correct. I decided to find out who actually runs on Dunkin. After getting all of the current (July 2007) locations from the Dunkin Donuts website, it appears from the image below that New England, New York, and Chicago run on Dunkin. Orange dots are single locations and the pinky dots are high density Dunkin Donuts locales. There are none in California, but that is not the only problem.

What is the orange dot between Florida and Cuba? Florida Keys? Oil platform? Floating Dunkin to welcome refugees?
I wonder what the Dairy Queen map would look like.
When I was in Iceland Dairy Queen was marketed as something super american and we all believed that in the US they would be everywhere.
Then I moved to California and almost never saw a Dairy Queen, so I figured we had been invaded by a chain no one in the US knew..
When driving cross country the increasing density of Dairy Queen was very obvious. So I guess the map must be very similar..
And overhearing an "east coast conversation" lately was pretty funny: "I heard that in California they have this great burger chain called In´n out, they have like all fresh ingredients."
Carl's Jr. and Hardees have a similar picture, but since they are one in the same it has an even stronger dividing line across the US. Use to click only on Carl's Jr. and then only on Hardee's and you should see.
I think Brian has a new challenge: DQ.
Update: The map was updated to include the states at the end of the alphabet. It doesnt really change much since we are talking about Wyoming, Wisconsin and Virginia where there are relatively few, if any, Dunkins.
This was a wierd and random, but interesting post. Miss Rachel sez "you have too much time on your hands!!" I say reading is always an adventure.
Too much spare time...
I googled dunkin dognuts california and found this breaking news.
Too much spare time...
I googled dunkin dognuts california and found this breaking news.
Thanks. I've gone from DD fan to DD tolerator to someone who is sick of DD. They are a huge source of litter, the coffee is not very good, and they cave in to neo-con talk radio bigots. I've created a page, and I thank you for this map, which helps me make my point.
This is amazing. Any chance you still have the original dataset from 2007?
I'd be super interested in that. Thanks!
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